Blog & Interviews

How to Activate Your Team for Powered Up Performance and Stronger Security

The path to increased performance and loss prevention is through the heart of the business – the humans who make up the organization.

Why We Have to “Put Humanity in the Center” to Succeed in the Human-Driven Economy

There's a revolution going on and it revolves around human energy.

Yes, Toxic Jobs are Health Hazards, but Non-Toxic Jobs aren't the Answer

The Surgeon General's framework for "curing" toxicity in the workplace is good, but it doesn't go far enough.

The “Talent Crisis” is Really Nothing New

Give the humans on your team what they need to be healthy, to thrive, to grow, to perform, and to SHINE!

The 5 Motivation Drivers that Get Your Human Team Fired Up

For scalability, sustainability, and profitability we have to get people fired up.

10 Ways to Activate the Potential of Your Human Team this Year

Activating human potential has to be our first and foremost mission as leaders of human teams if we want to have the opportunity to lead healthy, high-performing, self-actualized teams and increase what I call our “Return on Individual.”

The Right People in the Right Seats Means the Difference Between Success and Failure

Four timeless ingredients for building great teams that drive business success

Clarity Determines Outcomes

Without clarity, people are confused.

Why Business Leaders Need to Harness the Human Energy on Their Teams - Interview on Out From the Cube Podcast

Teams, businesses, and organizations only succeed or fail to the extent that they harness human energy and people potential.

Toxic Teams Aren't (Always) Caused by Toxic People

I think it’s a safe bet that you have, at some point in your career, been part of a toxic team. I know I’ve had what felt like more than my fair share of that experience and I have yet to talk with anyone who doesn’t know how that feels.

The future of work is still human despite virtual environments

As the news about COVID-19 unfolded and it became clear remote work was no longer an optional employee benefit but rather a necessity, I told my clients we needed to get ahead of the challenges that would arise from having most, if not all, of their teams working virtually. Several of them responded by saying, “There’s nothing to get ahead of, this is great!”

If You Aren't Getting People-Focused Results You Aren’t Getting Sustainable Results

As leaders and managers, we tend to focus on things we can measure. And the capacity of human beings is immeasurable. Maybe that’s why so many business leaders fail to focus on their people when they sit down to create a strategic plan.

Why Nurture Is NOT the Secret to A Healthy (Virtual) Work Environment

As the news about COVID-19 unfolded and it became clear that remote work was no longer an optional employee benefit but rather a necessity, I told my clients that we needed to get ahead of the challenges that would arise from having most, if not all, of their teams working virtually. Several of them responded by saying, “There’s nothing to get ahead of, this is great!”

Why Great Leaders Thrive on Human Moments

Your success as a business leader will most likely come down to a series of human moments. What are human moments? That’s what I call those unpredictable events when our humanity really comes to the surface.

Why Leaders Need to Remember That They Are Human Too

Leading a business is a challenge under any circumstances. It’s a juggling act of managing strategies, projects, and teams.

What Does a Healthy Team Look Like Right Now?

Healthy teams actually forgo the temptation of “going easy” in favor of taking risks and taking on challenges. And they become healthier as a result.

Creating Healthy Challenges During Challenging Times

Human beings are hardwired to strive. We find meaning in stretch goals and high aspirations, we get fired up by taking on tough assignments and “impossible” missions. It’s part of our nature.

Why Leaders Avoid Sharing Strategy with Their Teams (and the Consequences of Keeping it a Secret)

When I speak to audiences of business leaders about The Six Facets of Human Needs™ or what I often refer to as “the six Cs”, there is one subject that always results in a lively … well let’s just call it a “discussion.” And that is the debate around whether or not to share strategy with your team and, if so, with whom and to what extent.

The Real Cost of Not Meeting the Needs of Your Team

You want people who are innovative, capable, resilient, and adaptable? Here’s what they need from you to get there.

The Magic of Human Moments

All success is created one human moment at a time.

Why Atomic Revenue is an EOS Company

Testimonial from a client - Atomic Revenue

Stop Wasting Your Time Networking

How well do you swim? By “swim,” I actually mean “network.”When business leaders network to meet new clients, they have a tendency to spend a lot of time and effort on it. In the end, many of them wonder what results they're getting from all the effort. Unless you focus on target market networking, you won’t get the results you're hoping for.Yet many of us continue to jump right back into the pool and swim harder.

Reviewing Core Processes

After completing the 3-Step Process Documenter™, and before the Core Process can be Followed By All (FBA), it's a best practice to do a review of the processes as a leadership team. One of the main reasons for doing this is that many processes integrate between departments and each department head will want to ensure they are in agreement with any departmental handoff points that have been defined.

From Delegate to Elevate

Do you ever get stuck on how to delegate effectively? Have you ever considered that delegation can be done creatively?

Process vs. Procedure

While helping companies implement the EOS Process Component™, we will often hear someone on the leadership team say, “We already have our processes documented!”. In a Quarterly EOS Session, a deeper look often reveals that they do have some “procedures” documented but not an outcome-based process.

Reviewing Core Processes – How to Make Sure Your Process is Complete

After completing the 3 Step Process Documenter™, and before the Core Process can be Followed by All (FBA), it's a best practice to do a review of the processes as a Leadership Team. I’ve had leadership teams hit a roadblock on their process documentation because they didn’t know when the process was completed or good enough to move forward. They simply weren’t sure what the final output was supposed to look like.

Value of EOS Professional Implementation and Things to Consider if You DIY ("Self Implement")

As EOS Implementers we get asked all the time, “Why hire a professional implementer? Can I use the book to self implement?” The first point to make is that you absolutely can use the book, Traction by Gino Wickman, and download the free tools to implement EOS, the Entrepreneurial Operating System®, in your organization. However we see a few pitfalls that are common when someone decides to self implement. And, there is tremendous value in bringing in an expert resource to help you fully implement EOS.

Leadership is Lonely Because...

"It's lonely at the top! "Well, I hate to break it to you... it might be lonely because you make it lonely.

Are you optimizing for growth?

As a business leader at a small or medium business you struggle with some primary barriers to growth: ineffective people and teams, lack of profit or cash flow, hitting the ceiling on growth (and, unable to scale your business), you're out of control (the business is running you), inconsistent or lack of execution, and trying to do a ton of stuff that simply doesn't work.


Get Focused and Hit Your Niche

Having a tough time determining your ideal client? Then it’s time to get focused so you can figure out where to spend your time, energy, and resources.

50 Books Signed

Thank you to the 50 people that ordered the Kindle version of the Human Team and wrote reviews. I'm signing your hard copy version.


If you ever wondered what the purpose of the Segue in the Level 10 Meeting™ is, Certified EOS Implementer® Jeanet Wade has the answer for you. As seen on EOS Worldwide blog.

How to Determine Scorecard Measurables that Lead to Outcomes in Your Business

Do you have measurables that lead to the outcomes you want to see in your business? Are you keeping a pulse on the patterns and trends on a week to week basis?

3 Ps That Can Hurt Progress

What are you doing about Perfectionism, Paralysis, and Procrastination in your business? These are very common excuses given to the lack of progress made.

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Should You Incentivize Rocks

Should I Incentivize Rock Completion?

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Process as a Path to Innovation

Have you ever made a decision to focus on something only to reach the point in time it was due and not have completed it?

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Incremental Change

One extra degree of effort in business makes the difference in results!

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Out from the Cube: Episode 165 - OFC with Jeanet Wade

The Six C's: Clarity, Connection, Challenge, Contribution, Considered and Confidence

National Oil & Lube News Interview

For this episode, NOLN is happy to feature Jeanet Wade, who is a certified Entrepreneur Operating System implementer, author, and coach.

Tractionville - EP 56

Jeanet discusses the "Six Facets of Human Needs" which is the topic of her new book The Human Team. The six facets are clarity, connection, contribution, challenge, consideration, and confidence. She gives an overview of each topic in this episode.

Entrepreneurially Thinking - EP 190

Jeanet tells us about her early years in her career in innovation and the many fun projects she took on. Jeanet says entrepreneurially thinking to her means to become fascinated by people because people are the common denominator between whether you fail or succeed.

Lead Well Virtual Summit - Interview with Jeanet Wade

Interview was done March 2020; Aired on the Lead Well Summit April 22, 2020. Learn how to get CLARITY, CONNECTION, and CONFIDENCE in your business.

5 Strategies to Stabilize and Scale With Jeanet Wade

Jeanet Wade from Business Alchemist talks about the Five Strategies good leaders must put into action that help you plan for the slow time, and that help you get through them.

Turn business dreams into reality.

In this interview, Jeanet Wade describes how a business can go from dreaming about change to actually having in place a management team focused of making change happen. Create a culture of accountability as you achieve business growth goals and put into place a work environment of operational efficiencies.

Gain control of your business and vision

Listen in as Business Alchemist founder Jeanet Wade describes the importance of creating an accountability structure and getting the right people in the right seat. From people management to scaling and cash flow, she provides her expertise on how to gain back control of your business through concepts that are practical and work.

Components of Business Success

Jeanet Wade from Business Alchemist discusses vision, people, data, issues, process and traction. These six key components of operating an effective as well as cohesive organization can get everyone literally everyone in the company “rowing in the same direction” to reach your business vision.

The Business Value of EOS

Listen as Jeanet Wade, founder of Business Alchemist, provides insights about the value she delivers as a certified EOS® implementer. Discover how EOS is a proven system for helping business faced with challenges gain more control and growth through leadership alignment.